MONROVIA ROCKHOUNDS                 

Membership Application                                                  

Monrovia Rockhounds          

P.O. Box 553                                                            

 Monrovia, CA 91017      


Please print your information.




FULL ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________


(  ) I want my address on the roster     (  ) I do not want my address on the roster


HOME PHONE:  ______________________________

CELL PHONE:  _______________________________                 

(  ) I want my phones on the roster      (  ) I do not want my phones on the roster


BIRTHDAY:  (month/day only)  ________________

(  ) I want my birthday on the roster      (  ) I do not want my birthday on the roster


E-MAIL ___________________________________________

(  ) I want my email on the roster      (  ) I do not want my email on the roster


FIRST/LAST NAMES OF FAMILY MEMBERS:  _____________________________________




Fees             Individual Membership  $20.00…………………………………………………..$_________ 

                     Each additional person in same household $10.00 each……………………..$_________

                     Initiation Fee & Name Badge $10.00 each  (Mandatory for membership)     .$_________                               


Names for Badges _______________________________     ________________________________


You must attend 2 MOROKS Meetings or club events to be eligible for membership:


Date ___________________________                Date ______________________________


Signature  ____________________________ Date of Application___________________


Sponsor (print)_____________________________________________________________

(If you do not have a sponsor one will be assigned.)


Membership Accepted  □       Membership Denied  □                      


Date of Board Decision _______________  MOROKS President ______________________      


Amount of dues received $________ Check #________ Cash $_________ Date recd.______