Section 1. Monrovia Rockhounds Inc. is an independent organization which may join or withdraw from any federation, congress, or ay organization at the discretion of the members of the organization by a majority vote of the total membership.
Section 2. The objectives and purposes of the organization are to disseminate the knowledge of the lapidary arts, geology, mineralogy, and the earth sciences related thereto; to encourage study of these subjects through means of: exhibitions, slide programs, demonstrations and like programs; field trips for exploration, study and collecting of specimens, the preparation of publication and distribution of articles and studies pertaining to the lapidary arts, geology, mineralogy and the related earth sciences; the promotion of scientific research in these fields; the encouragement of interest among its members and the younger generation, and the fostering of classes in the lapidary arts, geology, mineralogy and related earth sciences; and all other means which are appropriate to the accomplishment of the primary objectives set forth above.
Section 3. `The corporation is not formed for profit, and none of its assets shall be used for the pecuniary gain and /or profit of any individual who is or may become a member there of.
Section 4. In the event of the dissolution of this organization its assets shall be awarded completely and entirely to the State of California for education purposes or to a non-profit association, organization or corporation for the continuance of the educational and scientific projects the organization may have instigated and/or commenced.
Section 5. These bylaws, together with the Procedures of the Organization shall be the governing rules of this organization.
Section 6. The fiscal year of the organization shall begin or April first of each calendar year.
Section 1. Application for membership shall be open to any person age 18 years of older.
a. Persons desiring membership in the organization must attend regular meeting as specified in the Procedures of the organization.
b. New members must be voted on and approved by the Board of Directors as specified in the Procedures of the organization.
c. Substantial “No” votes by four (4) regular member in good standing shall be sufficient to exclude any person from membership, as specified in the Procedures.
d. Applicants shall pay an initiation fee of $5.00 per person and an annual dues in advance as follows: $15.00 per year for the first family member and $5.00 per year for each additional family member residing at the same address.
e. Annual dues for new members shall be the full amount as stated in d) above or less than one fiscal year and more than one half (1/2) fiscal year or less.
Section 2. Annual dues for regular members in good standing shall be $15.00 for the first family member and $5.00 for each additional family member residing at the same address. Dues are due and payable on the first (1st) day of April of each year.
a. Any member who has not made payment of the annual dues within a period of 3 months will be automatically suspended unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Any member who violates the rules and/or regulations of the organization and whose conduct is considered improper and/or detrimental to the welfare and/or objectives and purposes of the organization may be expelled from the organization by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of a quorum.
Section 4. Before any regular member can be expelled as stated in section 4 above, a written notice shall be given by the Secretary to the member at fault, to appear at a meeting of the Board of directors, as designated in the written notice to show cause why such action should not be taken.
Section 5,. Honorary of Life memberships may be established for meritorious service by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the total membership by mail.
An honorary member is presented with life membership card & shall be exempt from dues.
Article III
Section 1. The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, one Vice President, one Secretary, one Treasurer and one Representative for each 25 members in the organization or fraction thereof.
Officers shall preside in line of succession in the order stated.
Section 2. The officers designated in Section 1 shall be elected as follows:
a. All officers shall be3 elected by a majority vote of a quorum and as outlined in the Procedures.
b. The term of office for all officers designated in Section 1 shall be for one (1) fiscal year, and the officer shall take office at the beginning of the fiscal year.
c. The President shall not succeed him or herself in the office of President.
d. No other elective officer shall not hold the same office for more than two (2) years consecutively.
e. In order to be nominated for President, the member shall be a member in good standing, and shall have served as an officer or chairman for a minimum of one year.
Section 3. Should a vacancy of an office occur during the year, said vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the President. This appointment must be approved by a majority vote of a quorum at the first regular meeting, where other nomination for that office shall be accepted from the floor.
Duties of Officers
Section 1, It shall be the duty of all officers to perform all duties as prescribed in Bylaws and Procedures of the organization.
Section 2. President: It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meeting of the organization and of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Vice President: It shall be the duty of the vice president to serve in the capacity of the President in the President’s absence, arrange for the monthly programs, assist the president as needed.
Section 4. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a permanent record of all proceedings of the meetings and to handle all routine correspondence of the organization.
Section 5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive all dues and moneys and to disburse them when authorized by the Board of Directors; to keep full and accurate account of such transactions in permanent form and to render a written report to the membership at the closed of each fiscal year.
Section 6. Representatives: It shall be the duty of the representatives to coordinate with the regular membership and present their needs and desires to the Board of Directors: respond the answers back to the members; and to serve on special committees as requested by the President.
Section 7. No officer shall assume any authority unless specifically granted in the above regulations, or as specifically prescribed elsewhere in the Procedures and/or Bylaws of the organization unless so authorized by the Board of Directors.
Section 8. If an officer is; unable to be present at a regular meeting or a meeting of the Board of Directors, said officer shall notify the president and/or vice president and arrange t have all necessary records present at the meeting which may pertain to the particular office involved.
Section 9; The president shall not assume the duties of any other officer or member of the Board of Directors except in case of deficiency in which case he may ask for the resignation of that officer or member upon approval of the Board of Directions.
Section 1. Chairmen of the organization shall consist of: Fellowship Chairman, Field Trip Chairman, Show Chairman, Federation Chairman, Bulletin Editor, Custodian, Historian, Lapidary Chairman and such other chairmen as needed.
a. No chairman shall serve in the same chairmanship for more than two (2) consecutive years, except with the approval of the Board and ratification by 2/3 of the general membership at the next regular meeting.
Section 2. All chairmen are appointed by the President in accordance the Procedures.
Duties of Chairman
Section 1. It shall be the duty of all chairmen to perform all duties as prescribed in the Bylaws and Procedures of the organization.
Section 2. Fellowship Chairman: It shall be the duty of the fellowship chairman to be the official host or hostess of the organization and to be responsible for processing of new members and guests, and to remember, in the name of the club, those members who may be ill or in distress.
Section 3. Field Trip Chairman: It shall be the duty of the field trip chairman to plan and prepare the field trips.
Section 4. Show Chairman: It shall be the duty of the show chairman to promote participation in all shows sponsored by the organization and to be in charge of show plans, show committees, displays and all other subjects pertinent to the planning and execution of such shows.
Section 5. Federation Chairman: It shall be the duty of the federation chairman to attend the regular semi-annual meetings of the California Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc. and to inform the membership of all activities and proceedings in said society.
Section 6. Bulletin Editor: It shall be the duty of the bulletin editor, preferably with contributions from the membership, to edit, print, and distribute a monthly bulletin. The bulletin shall be mailed in time to reach members before the monthly meetings.
Section 7. Custodian: It shall be the duty of the custodian to be in charge of all physical assets of the organization not normally retained by other officers or chairmen.
Section 8 Lapidary Chairman: It shall be the duty of the lapidary chairman to instruct members in the basic lapidary arts, when requested to do so.
Section 9; Historian: It shall be the duty of the Historian to accumulate and keep permanent records of the history and activities of the club and its members.
The Board of Directors
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers and chairmen specified in articles III and V.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall meet once a month on a date other than the regular meeting of the organization.
Section 3. A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called at any time at the discretion of the President or by any board member, provided a quorum of board members agree to the special meeting and provided that all board members are notified of said special meeting.
Section 4. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be equal to 50% of all members of the board plus one (1).
Duties of the Board of Directors
Section 1. The board of directors shall assume the specific duties outlined herein and shall be granted the authority to act on all organization matters except those hereafter prohibited.
a. The board of directors shall guard, protect and further desires and needs of the membership of the organization.
b. the board of directors shall present a budget to the membership for approval, and may authorize expenditures in excess of the budget ;by 10% but no more without the consent of the membership.
c. The board of directors may not change or suspend the Bylaws, Procedures, Definitions or Articles of incorporation. If changes are deemed necessary by the board of directors, such changes may be recommended to the membership.
d. The board of directors shall approve all appointments made by the president or any officer acting in behalf of the president.
e. the board of directors shall approve or reject the applications for new membership in the organization according to the Procedure.
f. The board of directors shall assist the president in all possible ways.
g. The board of directors shall be required to study and report their recommendations on every problem and/or suggestion made by the regular members in good standing, according to the Procedures.
Section 2. Any member of the board of directors who fails to attend three (3) consecutive meeting of the board may be removed from the office by action of the board and that office declared vacant.
Section 1. For the purpose of electing new officers for the organization there shall be a nominating committee composed of a chairman, appointed by the president, and two (2) members in good standing. The two (2) members shall be elected by a majority of a quorum at the regular meeting in November.
Section 2. The nominating committee as specified above shall report their recommendations to the regular membership as specified in the Procedures.
Section 1. These bylaws shall not be suspended at any regular meeting or meeting of the board of directors. The By-Laws may be amended only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of a quorum and by a secret ballot. The vote shall be conducted at a regular meeting not less than sixty (60) day after such amendments have been proposed to the members at a regular meeting. Proposed amendments shall be published in the next bulleting with the time set for the vote.
Section 2. the by laws as presented herein, as a whole or any part thereof, shall not be legally binding upon any person, persons, officer, officers, or any member of the organization for any purpose whatsoever.
Section 1. Forty (40) percent or more of the regular members in good standing, assembled in a regular meeting, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business pertaining to the organization.
The total number of eligible members present shall be the basis for vote tabulation.
These bylaws, as amended, adopted at
The regular meeting of the organization
December 1978